Film genre
“Films that are difficult to categorize into a genre are often less successful. As such, film genres are also useful in the areas of marketing, film criticism and the analysis of consumption.”
“Many genres have built-in audiences and corresponding publications that support them, such as magazines and websites.”
“A film genre is a motion picture category based on similarities in either the narrative elements or the emotional response to the film (namely, serious, comic, etc.).”
“Films can also be classified by the setting, theme, topic, mood, format, target audience or budget. The setting is the environment where the story and action take place (e.g., a war film, a Western film, or a space opera film)”
John Wick review
“Keanu Reeves’s zonked acting style only works in juxtaposition with funny dialogue, but this film is humuorless, violent and generic”
“this is a pretty humourless and violent film, which grinds on and on with more and more gleaming black SUVs getting trashed”
In the ‘John Wick’ movies, the women are dead and the men are trapped
“But if “John Wick” and its recently released sequel “John Wick: Chapter 2” are the future, the social milieu they describe and the ideas about men and women that animate the films have a distinctly nostalgic streak”
“he result is a feel-bad vibe that puts us in an intriguing position. Just when Wick thinks he’s out, we side with the movie’s villains to pull him back in, rooting for a masculine ideal that’s as destructive as it is glamorous.”
“Gianna is the most prominent and best-developed of the “John Wick” women who die while attempting to make it in the male-dominated field of stylish crime.”
“hat said, the “John Wick” movies generally suggest that for all its stylish trappings, membership in this men’s fraternity can be more of a trap than a privilege.”
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